Blog Or Website From The Ground Up (Step-By-Step Guide)

Starting a blog or website all alone and on your own without tons of help and support can seem like an IMPOSSIBLE TASK even if you’re just starting a blog as a hobby or to make a little extra cash. 

You still have to understand all the techie stuff – servers, web design, and the different blogging platforms. 

You still have to understand all the blogging stuff – search engines, writing good content, social media, and how to actually make money online.

The list of things you don’t know just seems to go on FOREVER… 

You need a partner who will guide you step-by-step and BE REAL with you – no hype and fake promises. You need an honest partner to help you succeed online.

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar To You?

…You’re brand new to blogging and this whole website thing and you simply have no idea where to start. 

…You’re tired of reading fluff articles that do nothing more than promote web hosting instead of teaching you the skills you need to be successful. 

…You want to start a blog, but information overload has you completely stuck! You May Be Asking Yourself… 

You may be asking yourself...

What if I spend hours and hours creating my blog and no one reads it? 

What if I get scammed and throw away my hard-earned money on training or hosting that doesn’t work? 

What if I get zero real help and support? 

What if I’m a complete failure at blogging? I desperately need this to work!

If Any Of This DOES Sound Familiar To You…

The Blogging Academy’s Blogging Basics Course is the answer you’ve been looking for. We have put together – ALL IN ONE PLACE – everything you need to know and do to start a highly successful blog.

Blogging Basics: Your Foundation For An Incredibly Successful Blog

Your Step-By-Step Guide To Launching A Successful Money-Making Blog Or Website

We are here with you EVERY step of the way!

Not only are we going to teach you how to build a successful blog, but we’re also going to help you pay the bills while you do it. 

I recently sent out a survey to see how we can better assist you. The response was overwhelming... 

According to the replies I received, most of our customers said they would benefit most from getting a discount with step-by-step step instructions for getting started online.

No More Confusion And Information Overload

  • Learn only what you need, when you need it!

  • We’ve eliminated all of the "noise" to simplify getting started online.

  • The step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions in this online course make starting your blog as easy as 1-2-3!

No More Digging Through Endless Information

  • Save hours and hours of your valuable time!

  • You no longer need to sift through 100’s of internet pages to find the best information.

  • We’ve put everything you need to start a successful blog in one place so you can stop running in circles trying to put it all together.

No More Hype And Useless Fluff Content

  • You can rely on us to be completely honest and forthcoming.

  • In this course, you will find zero hype and zero fluff!

  • You will find direct and honest answers to your biggest blogging questions.

No More False Promises And Exaggerated Guarantees

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Rest assured that you will get more than your money’s worth!

  • Our goal is to under-promise and over-deliver.

  • I guarantee that the level of training that you get from this course will far outweigh the incredibly reasonable price that you pay.

Meet Your Instructor

BlogPress Customer Success Lead

Jennifer Baritchi

I’m Jennifer Baritchi, Founder and Customer Success Lead for BlogPress.

I have been blogging and working online full-time for over 10 years and am the founder of BlogPress (WordPress Blog Hosting, Training, and Incredible Personal Support.)

For the last 7+ years, I have been helping bloggers and business owners just like you get started and become successful online.

Learn More About Jennifer

Another happy customer!

What An Amazing Experience

by Mel Lewis, PGA of New Zealand

I have the highest regard for BlogPress. Over the past several years Jennifer has instructed and guided me through many of the aspects when writing blog posts. Also, she built my website, and any time I need to add or change anything on the site, she is always available. Her professionalism, knowledge, and attention to detail, along with her pleasant disposition never falters.

To anyone considering BlogPress, Jennifer and her team certainly come with my highest recommendation.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • How To Navigate This Course

    • Welcome, Let’s Get Started…

    • Blogging Basics PDF Download (Optional)

  • 2

    Let's get started!

    • Should I Start With A Blog Or A Website?

    • Top 3 Reasons For Starting A Blog

    • What Is Your “Why?”

    • How To Choose The Best Topic For Your Blog

  • 3

    Setting Up Your Blog

    • The Best Blog Hosting For Your Personal Goals

    • Install And Configure WordPress

    • Do You Need A Custom Domain Name?

    • 7 Tips For Finding The Perfect Domain Name

    • Map Your Domain

    • Become A WordPress Expert

    • Setup (Customize) Your Blog

    • Update The Title And Tagline

    • Add A Custom Header Image or Logo

    • Set Up Your Blog’s Categories & Menus

    • Adding Widgets To Your Blog

  • 4

    Start Blogging

    • Determine A Realistic Publishing Schedule

    • What Is Your Blogging Persona?

    • How To Write Your First Post

    • Add Images To Your Posts Copy

    • Start Blogging…

  • 5

    Bonus Modules

    • SEO And Internet Marketing Basics

    • Content SEO With Yoast

    • Email Marketing – Build Your List NOW!

    • Social Media 101

    • How To Make Money With Your Blog